CADlink webinar: Digital Factory za DTF
CADlink je pripravil spletni seminar, v katerem bodo prikazali prednosti programa CADlink Digital Factory v procesu izdelave preslikačev z ink-jet tiskalnikom. Več o tem procesu najdete na naši strani DTF
Seminar je v dveh jezikih in dveh terminih.
CADlink vas vabi:
Looking to simplify your color management and pre-production workflow?It all starts with the software. Learn how using specifically designed software for Direct to Film production will save you time, material costs, and enhance the quality of the products you produce. CADlink is pleased to offer select webinars in both English AND Español.
MARCH 24TH - ENGLISH (prijava za 10:00 CET, 17:00 CET)
- Overview of product and queue based system
- Image editing tools and filters
- Print modes and custom ink removal (halftoning)
- Color adjust and white ink controls
- Copies, nesting, step and repeat and tiling
- Job automation with hot folders and barcodes
- Q&A
MARCH 25TH - ESPAÑOL (prijava za 10:00 CET, 17:00 CET)
- Descripción general del sistema basado en colas
- Herramientas y filtros de edición de imágenes
- Modos de impresión y eliminación de tinta personalizada (medios tonos)
- Controles de ajuste de color y tinta blanca Copias, anidando, paso y repetición y mosaico
- Automatización de trabajos con carpetas activas y códigos de barras
- Preguntas y respuestas