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   01 511 40 10  



TAVIJA is a small, privately-owned company founded in 1990. At the outset, we set our goal to provide comprehensive and optimal solutions to a given problem, focusing on high-quality equipment.


Specializing primarily in computer-aided design and prepress services, by 2000 our portfolio included all products required for comprehensive services - from computers and software to scanners and imagesetters.


Over the last years, our company has focused on colour management and its implementation. It all started with the Best company (later acquired by the EFI) and their program for creating proofs with ink-jet printers. Over time we realised the need to discontinue some of programs to keep and enhance our expert end-user support services and offer support in other fields of colour management.


TAVIJA offers comprehensive solutions in the field of colour management. By working closely with leading providers of colour management products and services, we can offer outstanding support to our clients.


We are integrators, selling primarily know-how, but also hardware and software. We also perform a lot of consulting. We are the EFI, Digital Information and Color Solutions distributor for Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia. We are a dealer of TECCO, ILFORD and Techkon and we also sell EPSON printers and consumables.

Company details


TAVIJA d.o.o.
Veščica 9c
SI-9246 Razkrižje

VAT number: SI 20441991


Phone: ++386 1 511 40 10
MON-FRI: 9-12 and 13-16


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